
Welcome to my page!
This page is about me and my journey in the world of business. I am like so many of you. A mother, a wife, an employee working a full-time job, and an individual with many dreams. I like to think of myself as an artist; that’s because I like to paint. I love listening to podcasts and watching movies. I am an introvert to the core. I have a small circle of people I surround myself with comprising of my family and some close friends. I love music. I love traveling. Yes, I am like many of you.  
Woman sitting and writing on a note pad

My Early Years

I immigrated to the US decades back; came here to do a graduate program. After graduating from school, I quickly landed in a technology job and started working as a Project Manager. Ever since then I have tried to “project manage” every aspect of my life. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  The early years of my career glided by quickly in getting comfortable at my job, learning new technologies, networking, and making a place for myself at my workplace. I learned a lot in these years. After several years of a very successful corporate career at a Fortune 500 company and moving up the ladder, I still felt the need for more. Not really in the corporate world but ‘something different ‘. Is it a mid-life crisis, some may wonder and I did too. Working in the Corporate sector taught me so much and these are things which I will always be grateful for: Business Analysis, Project Management, Customer Service, and Management skills to name a few. I have always wanted to do more and challenge myself. I have never been the person who gets comfortable with status quo. Good or bad, I am never satisfied.  In spite of a very well-paying and satisfying job, there was still something lacking and it took me a while to figure it out. I wanted to take on something new,  something I had not done before, something that would challenge me again. I wanted to be my own boss. I wanted to run a company on my terms. I wanted to try my hand at running my own business. When this became clear to me, another thing did as well. I didn’t want to leave my safety net – my full-time job, at least not immediately. I liked the steady pay I got from my job and I liked the work I did. I just wanted to do more.

After several discussions with my husband, he and I decided to buy a Franchise business which we knew nothing about. Nothing at all.

Thought Process

I knew what I wanted, but I had no idea how to get there. I wanted to start my own business and wanted to keep working my corporate job for few more years. I also was very clear with myself that I didn’t want my business to interfere during my work hours, so I could be completely honest and dedicated to my corporate job when I am logged into work. With these pre-requisites in mind, I kicked off my research process. I started reading articles on the internet about types of small businesses and the pros and cons of each, but the more I read, the more confused I was. There is a ton of information available on the internet, and it’s easy to get lost in it. And get lost in it I did.

Decision to get into the world of small business

I talked to some of my close friends about start-ups and their experiences. My circle being small, I had limited avenues to gather information. I joined the small business and entrepreneurship-related Facebook Groups and started participating in discussions. I found that people were more than willing to provide advice and help. Then one day I read about the Franchising model. This caught my attention because I figured it would help me to have pre-established processes and resources which I could leverage, especially since I didn’t have any experience and I wouldn’t have too much on hand with my full-time job. I looked into Entrepreneur’s top Franchises and started narrowing down on the list there. I tried to understand the various industries (like food, services, e-commerce, etc). I then contacted several Franchises asking if they had territories for sale. My research led me deeper and deeper into the world of small business franchises.

And I did it.

I bought a business that I knew nothing about

Being employed in the Information Technology industry I knew little about business, leave alone the services industry, which is where I ended up venturing. It was at least six months of long-drawn-out discussions with close friends and relatives and our Accountant, evaluating risks and our finances before I took the plunge. It has now been few years of me working full time while running my business as a side hustle.

One of the first questions many of my friends, family, and fellow business owners ask me is “would you do this again”. Tough question to answer for sure. I have worked several nights and weekends, I have faced many challenges, I have made countless mistakes but I can say for sure that I have learned a lot. I have grown a lot, as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, and as an individual. And I can only be thankful at the end of it all.

So why womanprenuer.net?

I have spent many hours researching resources online, making guides and checklists, finding efficient and budget-friendly ways of running business operations and my hope is to share what I have learned: tips, advice, and even my mistakes with my fellow women entrepreneurs who are venturing into the world of small business and find themselves lost in the plethora of information available online.

During the course of starting my business and running it, I was fortunate to find some very kind mentors who willingly spent hours of their valuable time answering our many questions, shared helpful resources, and motivated me at every step of failure when I was so close to giving up. I will always remain grateful to these folks who very selflessly helped me at every stage.

I feel that it is now my time to give back. This site is our effort at sharing my experiences of entrepreneurship and business ownership with fellow women entrepreneurs and in fact anyone who is on a similar path. I hope the resources I have on this site save you the time you would otherwise spend researching the web, and help you get to your objectives faster. My goal is to help the community of small business owners who start off on this journey of setting up a business, doing it either full time or as a side hustle, with that certain yet dubious feeling weighing on their shoulders. Know that you are not alone. If I could do it, so can you! There are so many wonderful people out there ready to help. All you have to do is reach out and you will get the help you need. I hope this blog is one such resource for you.

These words by Mary Oliver have always inspired me. I hope it motivates you to keep moving forward, even if you are doing something that is not mainstream and is not the path everyone around you has taken.

“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable”  – Mary Oliver


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